Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Week of New Hope

This past week has been one of the best weeks I've had in awhile.  On Monday, I went out and flew the cub for the first time since the accident.  Felt so good.  Yesterday I flew the Beaver in preparation for my 135 Checkride.  It was amazing being back behind the power of a sexy beast!  When I advanced the throttle and heard her sexy growl, it sent goose bumps down my entire body.  I forgot how much fun the Beaver really was.  A bit more going on then the Cub, but its just a bigger Cub.  I look forward to flying her again soon.  Maybe tomorrow?

Taxiing in after a fun day of learning in the Beaver.  Every time I look at this picture, I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm still alive.  I'm truly a spoiled young man getting to fly such a sexy plane.

Today I went in to the medical examiner to make sure I wasn't exceeding my own capabilities.  She gave me the big thumbs up, so I hope to go back to work soon.

I also made progress with the cub in the last couple days.  Finished my left aileron, so I now have all the control surfaces ready for cover.  Exciting!  I also brought the engine to the lake.  Tore into it for the prop strike.  So far it looks like the engine is getting a clean bill of health.  Had to buy a bolt for the back of the crankshaft, as per the instructions for a prop strike.  Amazing what really holds this little engines together and how much power something so small can put out.  I plan on having the heart of my beast back together this week, maybe Wednesday?  Then I have to start rebuilding the baffling and reassembling what I can of the engine.  I want to get it put together just incase someone needs it for hunting season.  Also so all I have to do is bolt it on the new frame and connect a few cables and wires when that time comes.

It just feels good to be going forward on her again.  I'm sure it's a year or more out, but I keep reminding myself that I truly am blessed I get a second chance to rebuild her.  Not just a second chance for my plane, but a second chance at life.  I've noticed a huge difference in my judgment and my flying.  I just hope to keep this up, and if I start to veer of course I'll remind myself of what happened last time.

Both ailerons completed, ready for covering.

The "heart" of 29A, minus her oil pan and accessory case.

The gears that make her work.  The center small gear is the crankshaft gear and the bolt in the center is what has to be replaced.  The other gears touching the crankshaft gear drive the magnetos, and the top gear is attached to the camshaft.  Super simple huh?

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